Aliens in the Family
Aliens in the Family (1996)

Aliens in the Family

(98 votes)


All seasons

Aliens in the Family - Season 1

Season 1




The premise of this show wasn't bad, but it's timing and time slot may have done it in.Alien Brady Bunch?

Yeah, the series only lasted eight episodes or so and was pretty corny for the time, but... y'know, I think if it had been given some more time to be tinkered with it probably would've been alright.

The serials which the BBC Children's Department produced in the 1980s were often quality productions and frequently dipped into the realms of fantasy. Many were period pieces, but Aliens In The Family is something of a rarity in that it was a contemporary sci-fi adventure.

I liked this show. It was kind of funny but it really was not given the chance most shows get.

I loved this show. I laughed from the moment it stated till the end.

Aliens in the Family is really the Meccah of the absurd. The show makes no sense, it doesn't pretend that it makes sense, and it proudly wears it's complete and utter disregard for quality.

At 35, this is the worst sitcom I can remember seeing in my entire life. Considering some of the stinkers to hit TV, that's a heck of a distinction.
