G.I. Joe
G.I. Joe (1985)

G.I. Joe

(46 votes)


All seasons

G.I. Joe - Season 1

Season 1

G.I. Joe - Season 2

Season 2




This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time. I was a kid in the 80's and I'm a fan of the G.

Where do you start on one of the most influential characters of all time. I can not stress enough how much fun this show is.

The new GI Joe series aired in the fall of 1990 and it lasted 2 seasons with a total of 35 episodes. It was actually the continuation to GI Joe: Operation Dragon Fire which was a five part mini series and is a follow up to GI Joe the Movie.

Warning: The following may contain spoilers!The new episodes of G.

I love this series. I developed an interest in it a couple of years ago and I've loved it ever since.

When you heard this Yo Joe! The Battle Cry of G.

I recall watching the first commercial promoting the 1st comic book issue of G.I.

I didn't exactly grow up with G.I.

GI Joe was essentially an advertisement for the toys; it, like the comic, was designed to tie in with the toy line, to support the storyline of the comic and toys, and to introduce new characters and vehicles.Given the constraints of the advertising medium, the show was pretty good.
