Hardcore Pawn: Chicago
Hardcore Pawn: Chicago (2013)

Hardcore Pawn: Chicago

(23 votes)


All seasons

Hardcore Pawn: Chicago - Season 1

Season 1



Hardcore Pawn is already bad enough with it's terrible characters, except for maybe Les, the terrible customers who fly off the handle all the time, and how it has fights every five seconds or so. So why did TruTV think that a spin off to it was so necessary?

This is really no worse than Pawn stars, and in some ways it's better. This series concentrates more on either of the following dimensions: (1) the pawn aspect of the business; or (2), the petty squabbling between the leading brothers - each trying (sometimes irritatingly) to prove he's the better/smarter hustler.

The main character is a bad Harry Carey wanna be with a whiny ladies voice. He talks thru his nose or something -- unbearable.
