Power Rangers Ninja Steel
Power Rangers Ninja Steel (2017)

Power Rangers Ninja Steel

(67 votes)





Power Rangers should've stayed in 90s. This was a terrible idea, nobody knows how to act in this show at all!

To the reviewerCringe.

This is another under the radar gem, it's not totally overlooked but doesn't really get a whole lot of credit or as much attention as the others which happens in most long running franchises. This was also the last entry in the Neo Saban era and I thought it was a solid finish; yeah it's true the Neo Saban era wasn't the franchise's best era but it wasn't a total loss as there were two solid franchise entries "Dino Charge" and this one; so two out of four isn't bad, it's better than none.

So far, it feels a lot like Dino Charge, for better or worse. I expect the rest of it to be fun and entertaining, but not to have as much substance as RPM or Time Force.
