To Appomattox
To Appomattox (2013)

To Appomattox

(15 votes)


All seasons

To Appomattox - Season 1

Season 1


This mini-series doesn't seem to exist. It isn't listed on the actors sites, or found downloaded anywhere.

I was being sought along with other Civil War reenactors and actors to participate in this production. It never got the funding and interest to make it happen.

This is a shame for the series had a terrific look and feel. I was sent a copy of the shooting script back in '12 and was blown away.

Is this project still on? Can anyone tell me????????????????

At Rhode Island Comicon and a Supernatural convention, I asked Richard Speight Jr. and Billy Zabka about this project, for which they are both listed.

IMBD....please do the right thing and delete this bogus movie that doesn't exist.

If the hilariously amateur concept art isn't proof enough, research proves this project is a fake. It's the dream project of a history fan posing as a TV producer.
