Heino Ferch



German actor

  • Primary profession
  • Actor
  • Country
  • Germany
  • Nationality
  • German
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Birth date
  • 18 August 1963
  • Place of birth
  • Bremerhaven
  • Knows language
  • German language






Both Ferch and his co-star Sebastian Koch in Der Tunnel has played Hitlers architect and Minister for Armaments Albert Speer on different occasions.

Father of a girl named Ava Vittoria Mercedes (b. November 10th 2008).


I am not religious in the sense that I go to church on Sundays. I,believe in a few things but I am not a practicing religious person. I,believe in certain basic values like honesty, reliability, punctuality,and having to be a role model in the small field one can be that. And I,believe in love. As far as metaphysical things are concerned, it,depends. There are a lot of things which are interesting and a lot of,things which make me go, "oh well". . .

A man is a good lover if he treats his woman like a princess and,fulfills her every wish.

[describing which kind of people he lets get close to him] They should,enjoy life, be open, direct and honest but also reserved and a bit shy.

When I am suffering, I have to talk about it. I am very extroverted in,that respect. I have six close friends, three men and three women, who,are my lifesavers in situations like this. I am particularly close to,two of them. They are fine with me calling them in the middle of the,night, crying.

[on why it is important to him that a prospective partner has to be,tidy] My home is tidy because I am too lazy to search for things.

I am an actor, not a sex symbol.

Ultimately, they live in the year 2009, just like us.

[on what he thought of wearing a cowl in Vision - Aus dem Leben der,Hildegard von Bingen] In all honesty? When we shot at Ebersbach,monastery and in Maulbronn it was wonderful because it was fucking cold,within these thick walls so the cowl kept you incredibly warm. Some of,the rooms had been recreated in the studio in Cologne and it was the,complete opposite there. It was so hot, the cowl was like a kick in the,ass. Apart from that, you really have to acquaint yourself with it.
